domenica 17 maggio 2015

CIRCE, a young Maine coon

CIRCE is my latest creation made combining the more 'traditional' technique of designing and sewing the body, with the new found technique of sculpting the head out of polymer clay and then attaching fur onto it.
I'm very happy that I finally decided to experiment with this new way as I like it so much that I don't think I'm ever going back to needle felting. I feel like I'm turning a new leaf here.
Circe is the exact image of what was in my mind when I started on this project. I was able to translate my idea so precisely that in the end I found it quite difficult to part with her...but she is gone of course, I really can't start being soft and keeping the darlings to myself...
So, here she is, my dream cat: a Maine coon with a tortoiseshell and white fur, golden green eyes and a sweet bewitching expression, hence the name CIRCE!

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